In Society vs. Government we defined the true measure of government as being "power". If you have been exposed to todays socialist propaganda masters - AKA "mainstream media" - (and who today hasn't?) then it is understandable if you are confused on the "nature" or different "types" of government. The truth is that, in reality based on the true nature of government, there are only two, basic, types of government. The following video is from the YouTube "notdemocracy" channel and provides an excellent explanation of these types.
As you watch this video, remember George Santayana's observations on history repeating itself. If you can't see the parallels - and even put some current names to the characterizations - you really should not be outside without an attendant:
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the parallels between this video and what we have been experiencing in our country. It also touches on one of the forms of "revisionism". In this case, using a false analogy(D), and repeating this falsehood until it takes on the appearance of truth. This is a favorite of the AOE - particularly of their propaganda arm. It has been used to create a false concept of the both the nature of government and what is the real basis for the differences in the types of government humanity has come up with.
Many of you may be familiar with the image of "Lady Justice". One of her aspects is the scales she holds. The general interpretation is that the scales represent justice balancing the arguments for, and against, a case. Not many know that these scales also represent the balance between freedom and government. As one of these increases the other must decrease. If you choose freedom, remember:
"The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government."
Dr. John Ridpath, a retired professor of economics and intellectual history at York University in Toronto, Canada, has written, and spoken, extensively on the the "moral" values of socialism(D), a particular form of statism(D), versus the moral values of capitalism(D), the counterpart of socialism, in a republic. In 1990, at a debate at the University of Waterloo, he addressed these opposed systems. The following excerpts from his address give a keen insight into their basic differences, which are unchanged today (emphasis added):
"Socialism is, most succinctly, the doctrine that every individual man, in fact, has no right to exist for his own sake. That his life and his work do not belong to him; but they belong to society - that's collectivism. That the only justification of his existence is service to society - that's altruism. And that "society" may dispose of him in any way that it pleases for the sake of what it deems to be it's own collective good - that's statism.
The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual rights to property. Which means the denial that you have the right to own the values and property, which you produced by your own efforts, and decide how to dispose of them as you wish. That is the essential characteristic of socialism. Of all socialism...."
".....The real enemy is statism; it is not just socialism. And the real antidote to statism, of a socialist, Fascist, communist, monarchical - whatever, military dictatorship - whatever kind of statist societies you could have in mind. The only principal antidote to that is the establishment of a society consistently based on the principal of individual rights. Capitalism is the only alternative to these types of immoral social systems."